This app is incredible, launches really fast and you can start typing right away. It is local first, low-cost, supports Markdown and has a custom toolbar.

- The file explorer is now fast
- Checkboxes are now clickable
- Can sort notes in file explorer
Welcome to my 70th Android note-taking app review and this one is special! But first, welcome two new followers:
I've had the privilege to help shape a new note-taking app, how cool is that! Sahil, my note-taking Yoda and I have been working closely with the Developer Sen from Indonesia for the past couple of months. We had a private Signal chat room with some of my friends and since moved over to Discord.
This app is incredible, launches really fast and you can start typing right away. This is my defacto fleeting notes app and lives harmoniously with my Obsidian vault.
Drafting has multiple toolbars plus one you can customize with any function from the app. I love that it's local-first and works with plain text files and native Android folders and subfolders. Drafting supports Markdown, not truly WYSIWYG although it renders headings while showing the Markdown tags in light grey which is a very nice touch.
The app supports dark mode and the cool blue colour of the icons and note title grabbed me right away, simple and clean.
I'm finding that font selection is one of the things that makes me want to keep using an app. Drafting has some of the fonts that I love including IBM Plex, Dosis, JetBrains Mono and 45 others!
Drafting is developed by one person: Sen, who created the most popular Text Expander (aka Typing Hero) for Android.
The development is very active with over forty (40!) incremental builds since Nov and several with major functions like Markdown support and a customizable toolbar. Sen is extremely responsive on Discord and fixes bugs shortly after people report them, sometimes within the hour!
For me, I need a really quick app. One that launches super fast so I can jot down my thoughts. Because the filenames are automatically created with the date and time (customizable of course), I get a log of my day. Perfect for daily journaling.
It's early days and that's the reason the app is priced low at CAD 2.26 so grab it now and join in this exciting ride. Be part of the creation of what I expect will be one of the most popular note-taking apps for Android!

From the developer of the most powerful Text Expander for Android!
Drafting is a fast and minimalist plain text editor for everyday writing.
It lets you start writing as soon as you launch Drafting.
- Score: 8/10
- Google Play
- Discord: invite
- Twitter: @thedraftingapp
- reddit: u/sensensensensen
- Web: thedrafting.app
- Privacy Policy
- Developer: Djonny Stevens Abenz
- Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
- Google Play
- invite - Discord
- @thedraftingapp - Twitter
- thedrafting.app - Web
- u/sensensensensen - reddit
- Privacy Policy
- Sen Sen - Blog
- No search (yet)
- No inline images, i.e. render

- No search in or across notes (yet)
- No trash
- No tags in or on notes
- No linking of notes
- No record audio
- Share to SMS
- Share to Gmail
- Undo and redo
- Text formatting: bold, italic, strikethrough
- Inline checkbox
- Quote and blockquote
- Code and code block
- 5 Heading levels
- 6 Font sizes
- Markdown hyperlinks
- Bullet lists
- Numbered lists
- Indent and outdent
- Folders and sub-folders
- Move a note between folders
- File info: word count, character count, file location
- Dark mode
- Markdown support
- Folders
- 48 fonts and most of them great
- Line spacing setting
- Clear change log for each build
- Multiple toolbars: Markdown, Utilities, Files (New draft from the clipboard, New blank draft, Move, Delete, Info), Editing (move around the note), Text Processing (make all lowercase, UPPERCASE, Mixed)
- Copy entire note
- Insert date or time via toolbar buttons
- Change the default for when a new note (draft) is created from "Always" to 60 minutes or "Never"
- Four modes when you share text from another app: create a new draft, append to an existing draft, create a new draft and edit, or prepend to an existing draft
- Setting to store text (.txt) or Markdown (.md)
- Only creates a note file ("draft") if you type something
- Show/hide hidden files in the file browser
- Show/hide file extensions in the file browser
- Handles many text files: Markdown, XML, Text, etc.
- Fast
- Cheap
- Local first / offline
- Simple privacy policy
- Customizable toolbar
- Change the folder where notes are stored
- Change the heading text size
- Pin a note (draft) so it's opened next time
- Customize filename date format
- Works with plain text files